Monday, April 23, 2007

another rejection

this rejection comes from USN, so my dream of becoming a pharmacist/blackjack dealer has faded away. oh man. i can't handle these rejections. they're having me fear about what my future will be like. i have two more chances and hopefully by the end of the week i should hear from one of them. i'm not quite sure about what to do if i don't get in. i don't like the pressure that is put on me to get in. my family is making me nervous. it's a good thing not many of my friends know i am applying. having to tell different people continuously that i didn't get in is not a cool feeling.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I'm back from Amarillo and I can't say for certain about how I did at my interview. I think the interview session went ok. It was the group activity that I didn't fare to well. I was able to participate with the group but when it came time for the faculty challenge, I froze and didn't talk as much. Part of the reason was being nervous and, also, having the phone go off during my turn to present didn't help much. The phone was only vibrating but the room was dead silent. The only thing that was on my mind at that time was "oh shit did my phone just go off" and then it vibrated again and i was like, "oh DAMN...". So i started to ramble on about something i can't even recall anymore. At the same time I began moving my hands slowly towards the inside of my jacket where the phone was and turned it off. my luck eh? i had the the phone off during the interview but turned it on to check the time later that day and completely forgot about it. oh well. at least during my stay there, i got to see it snow.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Today is Saturday and it is cold. What weird weather we are having. Not much happened in Vegas. I went there, walked around, and came back home. I didn't know what to do. I was only there by myself and only for a couple of days. I guess the highlight of the trip was eating a fried twinkie??? I don't know. I think my interview went a little better than my last one. I was able to answer almost all the questions this time, but it always could be better. At least, I am getting the hang of the interview process. Two more to go! oh boy

some stuff to remember: professionalism, diagnose, how do i know if the profession will be what i expect it to be

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I'm headed to Vegas at the end of the week. My main priority there is an interview, but other than that I'm free to do anything. If that doesn't go well, maybe I'll end up a black jack dealer or something along that line.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Post #18

Everything seems to go by so quickly. Spring break has just passed. Another two months and I'll be out of school again. I was talking to a high school friend yesterday. It seems like everyone is off doing their own thing which is expected. It's just that everything seems so sudden. Not but 3 years ago we were all together in high school waiting to go to college. By next semester, we'll be all seniors. i guess everything seems to go by so much slower in high school for the fact that we were all spending around 8 hours a day in one building with rooms that all look similar. well, that's my post for today.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

blogging just to blog

so i watched Stranger than Fiction the other day. yea i know pretty boring spring break huh? but i can't complain since it is my choice of wanting to do nothing. back to the movie, i thought it was actually good. it is not a typical will ferrell movie. his character is the exact opposite of the characters that he usually plays. i thought he was able to pull off the part. the movie starts off pretty slow, but later on it was interesting. it kept me engaged on wanting to know how it ends. overall it is a good movie, not great but good. then again, i am easily amused by the simplest things so others would probably think this movie is boring.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

another random entry

it was pouring like crazy today. i managed to go to the gym despite the weather. i had nothing else to do. i don't like this weather one bit. i was looking forward to riding my bike over spring break. i really need the practice. ahh yea it sucks. i still have to practice my turns and i'm still not smooth at shifting gears yet. i have a long way to go before i get better. but yea.. my friend told me about a couple she knew that had died last night. they were walking and were hit by a speeding 17 year old with no license. the couple that died were young too, around 26 or so. i dont remember. it's tragic to go like that. it goes to show that you can die at any moment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

spring break update

i haven't done anything for spring break. i'm just sleeping in and relaxing. i have been going to the gym to work out. i'm just trying to bulk up and work out, nothing too extreme. my goal is to weigh 165 by the end of the year. yep, that's what i plan on doing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

the pilot

i talked to this girl in one of my classes today. turns out she is a pilot that is going back to school to change careers because of family issues. i found it interesting that she was pilot. not only that, but it made me think about how there are so many different career opportunities. im still sorta unclear about what i want to do with my life. i would be fine with going into pharmacy but it just makes me wonder. i always thought it would be cool to become an actor. i always envied actors for the reason that at any moment they are capable of taking on a different personality and playing into a role.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

better luck next time

so i got rejected. hopefully i have a chance with other schools. if not, you'll be seeing me around during the fall, outside of class that is.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

dream update 2

ok. i'm giving up on this dream thing altogether. it's time to blog about something else. well, i did have good laugh in my martial arts class today. some boy thought i was a wrestler hahah i couldn't wrestle to save my life

Monday, February 26, 2007

dream update

nothing yet. i haven't been able to remember any. i'll try to make an effort into remembering. i believe there is a way to remember your dreams. i think you're suppose to wake up at certain intervals. it was a topic that was covered during my psych class. as you can see, i dozed off when the professor was covering it.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I really have nothing to blog about. I have been thinking about recording my dreams in this blog. I'll see how it goes. I wonder if I will be able to remember my dreams when I wake up.

I think Lent just started. Ash Wednesday was the other day. I didn't make it to church like I should have. I need to start going back to church. I've strayed away from my religion for a while now. I don't want to say that I stopped believing, but that is what is seems like I'm doing. I remember when I was back in catholicism class, there was a teacher that would always tell me to have faith which is believing without seeing. Her telling me to have faith has stuck with me until now. I guess because of her I still haven't given up on my religion entirely. Thinking about those days, brings back memories of the loneliest times of my life. ehh blah blah blah

hey laijla, if you are reading this, what are other people's entries about?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

mardi gras

i think Mardi gras is coming up pretty soon or it probably started already. i dont really know. i would like to go the one in new orleans. i wish i had the money to do things. i never traveled alot before. i have only been to a few places. traveling is one of the things i plan on doing later in my life. Vietnam is the first place on my list to go to. hopefully, i will be able to go sometime before my grandparents die.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


the movie ghostrider comes out tomorrow. it seems pretty interesting with the graphics and the all. i hope it doesn't turn out like daredevil, elecktra, or some of the other horrible movie adaptations of comicbook superheroes. i can't wait for the movies 300 and blades of glory to come out. its been so long since i have been to the theater. i would like to go catch one of these movies.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


happy vday if you did something. as for me, it was just another regular day. i just went about doing the usual stuff, walking around and listening to my music. sometimes i do think having my own personal music player hinders me from socializing but then again i dont think i would still socialize if i didn't have it.

Friday, February 9, 2007

weather update

i spoke too soon. the weather is back to being crappy and now i'm am freezing my butt off. i don't think i can ever live up north.

houston weather

The weather has been great the past couple of days. It hasn't been too hot nor too cold. It looked like people around school were enjoying the weather. There were lots of people hanging outside. I saw one guy just laying on the grass near the fountain in front of the library. It looked pretty awesome to just lay there and relax. Then I saw these other people playing with a frisbee like thing. It was huge. I, on the other hand, did not get to enjoy it that much. I had to go back and forth from classes to library to work on hw and study for tests. But for the few minutes that I did get to walk around outside, it was great!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


tet (lunar new year) is coming up soon. it is on the 18th this year. i forgot all about it with all the things going on. my parents haven't mentioned it and i haven't been down to china town in a while so i forgot all about it. i dont think its called china town but it's the area on bellaire or beechnut with all the asian restaurants, stores, and supermarkets. it's the year of the pig this year. supposedly my brother is going to have bad luck this year according to my mom and her superstitions. this bad luck occurs every 12 years. i can't remember but i don't think anything bad happened when i was 12. oh yea. my bday was a few days ago. hooray...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

saturday update

The superbowl is tomorrow. I have never been into football, so I'm not that excited. I do occasionally like to watch. I'll probably watch a few minutes of it since i have other things to do like studying for my 2 tests. Once again, I find myself procrastinating for my biochemistry and physics tests. I keep telling myself not to do it, but when the time comes I end up procrastinating. oh well.. i think i still have time

Friday, February 2, 2007


So I just read an article about a lady with BIID (Body Identity Integrity Disorder). This disorder seems to be a psychological problem in which they feel as though one of their limbs need to be removed. I find it pretty weird and disturbing how someone would want to do such a thing. With the lady in the article, she had always wanted to remove her legs when at the age of six. Usually little girls have tea parties and stuff, but not this one. Her playtime consisted of pretending to be an amputee. This is just so crazy. There are so many people with weird psychological problems now days. Well, she goes on an on about her trying to get her leg amputated and how happy she was after she got one cut off. It got pretty depressing for me to see people like this. It’s weird how the mind works. Here’s a link if you want to read.

By the way, I’m not even sure if the story is made up. Though, there were people commenting about hearing similar stories.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

hi lajla,

just testing this out for now. will post something later. is it suppose to be 250 words/post or per week?